
Cellulaire veroudering bij hepatocellulair carcinoom

Cellulaire veroudering bij hepatocellulair carcinoom geïnduceerd door een lang niet-coderend RNA-gecodeerd peptide PINT87aa door FOXM1-gemedieerde PHB2 te blokkeren

Rationale:  Onlangs is aangetoond dat lange niet-coderende RNA’s (lncRNA’s), waarvan bekend is dat ze betrokken zijn bij de progressie van kanker bij de mens, coderen voor peptiden met biologische functies, maar de rol van door lncRNA gecodeerde peptiden bij cellulaire veroudering is grotendeels onontgonnen. We rapporteerden eerder de tumor-onderdrukkende rol van PINT87aa, een peptide dat wordt gecodeerd door het lange intergene niet-eiwit coderende RNA, p53-geïnduceerde transcript ( LINC-PINT).  Hier hebben we de rol van PINT87aa bij cellulaire senescentie van hepatocellulair carcinoom (HCC) onderzocht.

Methoden:  We onderzochten de functies van PINT87aa en afgeknotte PINT87aa  in vitro  door celproliferatie te volgen en voerden flowcytometrie uit, senescentie-geassocieerde β-galactosidase-kleuring, JC-1-kleuring die indicatief is voor mitochondriaal membraanpotentieel, de verhouding van het overlappende gebied van lichte keten Three bèta ( LC3B) en mitochondriale sondes en de verhouding van lysosomaal geassocieerd membraaneiwit 1 (LAMP1) overlapt met cytochroom c-oxidase-subeenheid 4I1 (COXIV) die mitofagie aangeeft. PINT87aa en afgeknotte PINT87aa-functies  in vivo werden geverifieerd door subcutaan getransplanteerde tumoren in naakte muizen. De mogelijke binding tussen PINT87aa en forkhead subject M1 (FOXM1) werd voorspeld door middel van structurele analyse en geverifieerd door co-immunoprecipitatie en immunofluorescentie co-lokalisatie. Rescue-experimenten werden  in vivo en in vitro uitgevoerd  na overexpressie van FOXM1. Verder werden chromatine-immunoprecipitatie, polymerasekettingreactie en dual-luciferase-reportergentest uitgevoerd om FOXM1-binding aan de prohibitine 2  ( PHB2 ) -promotor te valideren  .

Resultaten:  PINT87aa was necessary verhoogd in het door waterstofperoxide geïnduceerde HCC-celsenescentiemodel. Overexpressie van PINT87aa induceerde groeiremming, cellulaire veroudering en verminderde mitofagie  in vitro  en  in vivo . Daarentegen zou FOXM1 gain-of-function het aandeel senescente HCC-cellen gedeeltelijk kunnen verminderen en de mitofagie kunnen verbeteren. PINT87aa-overexpressie had geen invloed op de expressie van FOXM1 zelf, maar verminderde die van zijn doelwitgenen die betrokken zijn bij celcyclus en proliferatie, met establish  PHB2, die betrokken was bij mitofagie en getranscribeerd door FOXM1. Structurele analyse gaf aan dat PINT87aa kon binden aan het DNA-bindende domein van FOXM1, wat werd bevestigd door co-immunoprecipitatie en immunofluorescentie co-lokalisatie. Verder hebben we aangetoond dat de afgeknotte vorm van 2 tot 39 aminozuren van het peptide effecten uitoefende die vergelijkbaar waren met de volledige vorm.

Conclusie:  Onze studie stelde de rol enormous van PINT87aa als een nieuwe biomarker en een belangrijke regulator van cellulaire veroudering in HCC en identificeerde PINT87aa als een potentieel therapeutisch doelwit voor HCC.










UCP3 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537838-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 385

UCP3 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537838-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1575

Human Uncoupling Protein 5 (UCP5) Control/blocking peptide #2

UCP52-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Growth Blocking Peptide - FAM Labeled

FG-046-92A 1 nmol
EUR 336.96

Growth Blocking Peptide - Biotin Labeled

B-046-92 20 μg
EUR 336.96

Growth Blocking Peptide - Rhodamine Labeled

FR-046-92 1 nmol
EUR 336.96

Growth Blocking Peptide - I-125 Labeled

T-046-92 10 μCi
EUR 1145.88

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 mg
  • 5 mg

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

30R-AU006 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic UCP3 Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of UCP3 antibody, catalog no. 20R-UR003

UCP2 Blocking Peptide

DF8626-BP 1mg
EUR 234

UCP1 Blocking Peptide

DF7720-BP 1mg
EUR 234

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

DF6443-BP 1mg
EUR 234

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS537211-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS537211-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

UCP2 Blocking Peptide

MBS8308756-1mg 1mg
EUR 190

UCP2 Blocking Peptide

MBS8308756-5mg 5mg
EUR 345

UCP2 Blocking Peptide

MBS8308756-5x5mg 5x5mg
EUR 1465

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS8243922-1mg 1mg
EUR 190

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS8243922-5mg 5mg
EUR 345

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS8243922-5x5mg 5x5mg
EUR 1465

UCP2 Blocking Peptide

MBS9627655-1mg 1mg
EUR 380

UCP2 Blocking Peptide

MBS9627655-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1650

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS9625816-1mg 1mg
EUR 380

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS9625816-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1650

UCP1 Blocking Peptide

MBS9627012-1mg 1mg
EUR 380

UCP1 Blocking Peptide

MBS9627012-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1650

UCP2 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

30R-AU001 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic UCP2 Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of UCP2 antibody, catalog no. 20R-UR001

UCP2 Blocking Peptide Mouse

GWB-14891B 0.1 mg Ask for price

UCP2 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

MBS537811-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

UCP2 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

MBS537811-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

Sequestosome 1 Blocking Peptide

33R-2383 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of SQSTM1 antibody, catalog no. 70R-5720

Sequestosome-1 Blocking Peptide

MBS5400655-025mg 0.25mg
EUR 280

Sequestosome-1 Blocking Peptide

MBS5400655-5x025mg 5x0.25mg
EUR 1110

Rat Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) Control/blocking peptide #3

UCP33-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Uncoupling Protein 4 (UCP4) Control/blocking peptide #2

UCP42-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

UCP3 C-terminal Blocking Peptide

30R-AU002 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic UCP3 C-terminal Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of UCP3 C-terminal antibody, catalog no. 70R-UR004

UCP3 C-terminal Blocking Peptide

MBS537083-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

UCP3 C-terminal Blocking Peptide

MBS537083-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

AAP35408-100UG - CHRFAM7A (CHRNA7 (cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 7, exons 5-10) and FAM7A (family with sequence similarity 7A, exons A-E) fusion) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of protein)

AAP35408-100UG 100ug
EUR 99

AAP89108-100UG - Ucp1 Blocking peptide (Middle region)

AAP89108-100UG 100ug
EUR 99

Anantin (linear sequence) Peptide

abx266971-1ml 1 ml
EUR 762.5

Anantin (linear sequence) Peptide

abx266971-200l 200 µl
EUR 325

LL 37, reverse sequence Peptide

abx267003-1ml 1 ml
EUR 975

LL 37, reverse sequence Peptide

abx267003-200l 200 µl
EUR 400

Erythropoietin Mimetic Peptide Sequence 20

H-4344.0001 1.0mg
EUR 544.8
Description: Sum Formula: C72H99N17O17S2; CAS# [203397-62-0] net

Erythropoietin Mimetic Peptide Sequence 20

H-4344.0005 5.0mg
EUR 2067.6
Description: Sum Formula: C72H99N17O17S2; CAS# [203397-62-0] net

Substance P reversed sequence Peptide

abx266314-100l 100 µl
EUR 312.5

Substance P reversed sequence Peptide

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 5 mg
  • 10 mg
  • 25 mg

Substance P reversed sequence Peptide

abx266314-1ml 1 ml
EUR 812.5

Substance P reversed sequence Peptide

abx266314-200l 200 µl
EUR 462.5

NET Blocking Peptide (Rat)

30R-AN036 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic NET Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of NET antibody, catalog no. 70R-NR004

NET Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537198-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

NET Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537198-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

Mouse Uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1) Control/blocking peptide # 1

UCP11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1) Control/blocking peptide # 2

UCP12-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2) Control/blocking peptide #1

UCP21-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2) Control/blocking peptide #2

UCP22-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2) Control/blocking peptide #3

UCP23-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) Control/blocking peptide #1

UCP31-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) Control/blocking peptide #2

UCP32-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) Control/blocking peptide #4

UCP34-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 4 (UCP4) Control/blocking peptide #1

UCP41-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Calnuc Blocking Peptide

33R-2673 100 ug
EUR 216
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of NUCB1 antibody, catalog no. 70R-1118

Adipsin, Rat (Blocking Peptide)

MBS653679-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 435

Adipsin, Rat (Blocking Peptide)

MBS653679-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1800

Fpr (untagged) - Rat formyl peptide receptor, related sequence 3 (Fpr-rs3)

RN216422 10 µg Ask for price

Rat Ppp1r2 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9228883-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat-Cebpb-S105 Blocking Peptide

MBS9229334-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat GTRAP41 Control/blocking peptide

GTRAP41-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat GTRAP48 Control/blocking peptide

GTRAP48-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

NET Control or blocking peptide Rat

GWB-266F64 0.1 mg Ask for price

Rat UT2 Control/blocking peptide #1

RUT21-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat AVP V1b Control/blocking peptide

AVP1B13-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat EAAT4 Control/blocking peptide #1

EAAT41-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat AVP-V2 Control/blocking peptide

AVPV21-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Amylin Control/blocking peptide # 3

AMYL13-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Nephrin Control/blocking peptide #1

NPHN11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Syntenin Control/blocking peptide #1

SDB11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Dopamine Receptor 2 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

30R-AD007 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic Dopamine Receptor 2 Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of Dopamine Receptor 2 antibody, catalog no. 70R-DR001

Dopamine Receptor 2 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537056-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

Dopamine Receptor 2 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537056-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

Rat Bin 1b Control/blocking peptide #1

BIN1B11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Hoxd9 Antibody (Center) Blocking Peptide

MBS9222683-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat Hoxb7 Antibody (Center) Blocking Peptide

MBS9223490-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Fpr (myc-DDK-tagged) - Rat formyl peptide receptor, related sequence 3 (Fpr-rs3)

RR216422 10 µg Ask for price

Rat AVP V1a Control/blocking peptide # 1

AVP1A11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat AVP V1a Control/blocking peptide # 2

AVP1A12-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Akt-2 Control/blocking peptide #1

AKT21-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Akt-3 Control/blocking peptide #1

AKT31-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Exchange inhibitory peptide (XIP) Control/blocking peptide #1

XIP11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Atp1a1 Blocking Peptide (N-term S23)

MBS9229186-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat FAS Ligand Control/blocking peptide #1

FASL11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat EAAC1/EAAT3 Control/blocking peptide #1

EAAC11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Arg1 Antibody(C-term) Blocking peptide

MBS9224398-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat Ggt1 Antibody(N-term) Blocking peptide

MBS9224430-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat Mycb Antibody (C-term) Blocking Peptide

MBS9223731-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

hCG_2007354 Blocking Peptide

33R-5366 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_2007354 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9061

hCG_20426 Blocking Peptide

33R-5875 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_20426 antibody, catalog no. 70R-8775

HCG_1745121 Blocking Peptide

33R-6558 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_1745121 antibody, catalog no. 70R-3903

hCG_1646157 Blocking Peptide

33R-7420 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_1646157 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9035

40787 Blocking Peptide

33R-2900 100 ug
EUR 216
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of SEPT1 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9926

hCG_1982709 Blocking Peptide

33R-3437 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_1982709 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9054

hCG_2042202 Blocking Peptide

33R-3770 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_2042202 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9063

hCG_1660138 Blocking Peptide

33R-4078 100 ug
EUR 216
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_1660138 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9044

hCG_1646157 Blocking Peptide

33R-4162 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_1646157 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9034

hCG_20426 Blocking Peptide

33R-4753 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hCG_20426 antibody, catalog no. 70R-8776

Rat DRASIC/ASIC3 Control/blocking peptide #1

DRASIC31-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat MDEG2/ASIC2b Control/blocking peptide #1

MDEG21-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Hoxa5 Antibody (C-term) Blocking Peptide

MBS9223489-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat Stra6 Antibody (C-term) Blocking Peptide

MBS9223732-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat TRPV3 Antibody (C-term) Blocking Peptide

MBS9220618-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat Hoxa7 Antibody (N-term) Blocking Peptide

MBS9220815-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Rat Urotensin 2 Control/blocking peptide # 1

UT21-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Ub Blocking Peptide

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 mg
  • 5 mg

A1 Blocking Peptide

3401BP-50 each
EUR 183.6

GK Blocking Peptide

33R-5595 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of GK antibody, catalog no. 70R-4533

TH Blocking Peptide

33R-6309 100 ug
EUR 216
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of TH antibody, catalog no. 70R-10442

HB Blocking Peptide

33R-6336 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of hb antibody, catalog no. 70R-3198

N Blocking Peptide

33R-6561 100 ug
EUR 216
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of LSM8 antibody, catalog no. 70R-4590

SI Blocking Peptide

33R-6891 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of SI antibody, catalog no. 70R-7205

XK Blocking Peptide

33R-7655 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of XK antibody, catalog no. 70R-7274

F7 Blocking Peptide

33R-7835 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of F7 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9970

AC Blocking Peptide

33R-3003 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of ac antibody, catalog no. 70R-1978

TH Blocking Peptide

33R-3167 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of TH antibody, catalog no. 70R-7854

F8 Blocking Peptide

33R-3569 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of F8 antibody, catalog no. 70R-9971

NP Blocking Peptide

33R-3631 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of NP antibody, catalog no. 70R-2286

GC Blocking Peptide

33R-4418 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of GC antibody, catalog no. 70R-10253

XK Blocking Peptide

33R-5017 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of XK antibody, catalog no. 70R-7169

SI Blocking Peptide

33R-5258 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of SI antibody, catalog no. 70R-7230

PC Blocking Peptide

33R-8614 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of PC antibody, catalog no. 70R-9828

FX Blocking Peptide

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 mg
  • 5 mg

GW Blocking Peptide

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 mg
  • 5 mg

KC Blocking Peptide

5212BP-50 each
EUR 183.6

F7 Blocking Peptide

33R-1026 100 ug
EUR 216
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of DLG4 antibody, catalog no. 70R-4080

GC Blocking Peptide

33R-10350 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of GC antibody, catalog no. 70R-10252

A1 Blocking Peptide

33R-10744 50 ug
EUR 145
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of A1 antibody, catalog no. 70R-11802

KC Blocking Peptide

33R-11041 50 ug
EUR 145
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of KC antibody, catalog no. 70R-12298

F2 Blocking Peptide

33R-1783 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of F2 antibody, catalog no. 70R-8514

PB Blocking Peptide

33R-2067 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of pb antibody, catalog no. 70R-2192

GK Blocking Peptide

AF0829-BP 1mg
EUR 234

T Blocking Peptide

BF0015-BP 1mg
EUR 234

E7 Blocking Peptide

BF0311-BP 1mg
EUR 234

AR Blocking Peptide

BF0418-BP 1mg
EUR 234

PR Blocking Peptide

BF0581-BP 1mg
EUR 234

RB Blocking Peptide

BF0614-BP 1mg
EUR 234

ER Blocking Peptide

BF0674-BP 1mg
EUR 234

TK Blocking Peptide

AF7678-BP 1mg
EUR 234

Rb Blocking Peptide

AF7698-BP 1mg
EUR 234

GR Blocking Peptide

AF5004-BP 1mg
EUR 234

GR Blocking Peptide

AF6066-BP 1mg
EUR 234

GR Blocking Peptide

AF6067-BP 1mg
EUR 234

TK Blocking Peptide

AF6068-BP 1mg
EUR 234

IR Blocking Peptide

AF6098-BP 1mg
EUR 234

IR Blocking Peptide

AF6099-BP 1mg
EUR 234

CP Blocking Peptide

DF9369-BP 1mg
EUR 234

F5 Blocking Peptide

DF8265-BP 1mg
EUR 234

Ob Blocking Peptide

DF8583-BP 1mg
EUR 234

ST Blocking Peptide

DF8616-BP 1mg
EUR 234

C7 Blocking Peptide

DF9410-BP 1mg
EUR 234

C5 Blocking Peptide

DF7719-BP 1mg
EUR 234

GC Blocking Peptide

DF7840-BP 1mg
EUR 234

TG Blocking Peptide

DF7885-BP 1mg
EUR 234

OR Blocking Peptide

DF10250-BP 1mg
EUR 234

F3 Blocking Peptide

DF6400-BP 1mg
EUR 234

HP Blocking Peptide

DF6467-BP 1mg
EUR 234

F9 Blocking Peptide

DF6474-BP 1mg
EUR 234

Biocide werkzaamheid van tutine en de invloed ervan op immuuncellen en expressie van groeiremmende en neurogliale peptiden in Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Mythimna separata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is een van de belangrijkste plagen die ernstige schade aan graangewassen kan veroorzaken. De ontwikkeling van botanische insecticiden met een lage toxiciteit en hoge prestaties wordt de focus van nieuw onderzoek naar pesticiden om M. separata te bestrijden. Tutin, een sesquiterpeenlactonverbinding die wordt verkregen uit Coriaria sinica Maxim, een inheemse Chinese language language giftige plant, heeft een antivoedingsmiddel, absorptie en maagvergiftiging tegen een verscheidenheid aan plagen. Om het toxische impression van tutine op de larven van M. separata te begrijpen, wilden we hun anti-voedingsmiddel, mortaliteit, verlamming, gewichtsverandering bepalen en de verspreiding van M. separata hemocyten onder verschillende concentraties van tutinebehandeling onderzoeken.

Weefselverdeling van het immuun-geassocieerde gengroei-blokkerende peptide (GBP) en neuroglian peptide (Nrg) werd gedetecteerd door reverse transcriptie polymerase kettingreactie (PCR). Verder werd real-time kwantitatieve PCR uitgevoerd om de expressieprofielen van GBP en Nrg te bepalen na verschillende concentraties van tutine-stimulatie. Onze resultaten onthulden dat tutine significante anti-feedant en insecticide activiteiten, verlamming, gewichtsverlies voor M. separata vertoonde . Bovendien had tutine een significante invloed op de morfologie van hemocyten en versterkte het de expressie van GBP en Nrg in M. separata.

Van stress afgeleide reactieve zuurstofsoorten stellen hemocyten in staat om activator van groeiblokkerend peptide (GBP) -verwerkingsenzym af te geven

Insectencytokinegroeiblokkerend peptide (GBP) wordt gesynthetiseerd als een inactieve voorloper, proGBP genaamd, die normaal in een significante concentratie aanwezig is in de hemolymfe van dieren zonder stress (Hayakawa, 1990, 1991). Onder stressomstandigheden wordt proGBP onmiddellijk omgezet tot actief GBP door een serineprotease en males denkt dat dit een belangrijke eerste stap is voor insecten om het hoofd te bieden aan door stress veroorzaakte nadelige effecten by the use of GBP-geïnduceerde fysiologische veranderingen.

Het gedetailleerde mechanisme dat ten grondslag ligt aan de proteolytische verwerking van hemolymfe proGBP bij insecten onder stressomstandigheden blijft echter onbekend. Hier hebben we aangetoond dat proGBP-verwerking door ROS geïnduceerde afgifte van een eiwitachtige concern uit hemocyten vereist die het inactieve proGBP-verwerkingsenzym activeert. De afgifte van het activatoreiwit uit hemocyten wordt geïnitieerd door een verhoging van de cytoplasmatische Ca2 +  -concentratie, geïnduceerd door ROS. Daarom concludeerden we dat door stress geïnduceerde activering van proGBP ROS-afhankelijke stimulatie van een intracellulaire calciumsignaleringsroute in hemocyten vereist, gevolgd door afgifte van de hemocyt-eiwitachtige concern die specifiek het proGBP-verwerkingsenzym activeert.

Lipopolysacharide beïnvloedt het plasma en hersenen farmacokinetiek van subcutaan toegediende HsTX1 [R14a], Okay  V  1,3-blokkerende peptide

Okay<sub>V</sub>1.Three is een spanningsafhankelijk kaliumkanaal dat wordt opgereguleerd bij neuro-inflammatoire aandoeningen, zoals de ziekte van Alzheimer en de ziekte van Parkinson. HsTX1[R14A] is een krachtige en selectieve peptideblokker van Okay<sub>V</sub>1.Three met het potentieel om microgliale Okay<sub>V</sub>1.Three te blokkeren, maar de opname in de hersenen zal naar verwachting beperkt zijn vanwege de beperkende aard van de bloed-hersenbarrière. Om de perifere en hersenblootstelling te beoordelen , werd een LC-MS/MS-assay ontwikkeld om HsTX1[R14A]-concentraties in muizenplasma en hersenhomogenaat te kwantificeren die betrouwbaar en reproduceerbaar waren in het bereik van 6,7-66,7 nM (r<sup>2< /sup> = 0,9765) en 15-150 pmol/g (r<sup>2</sup> = 0,9984), respectievelijk.

Om te beoordelen of neuro-inflammatie de HsTX1[R14A]-dispositie beïnvloedde, kregen C57BL/6-muizen HsTX1[R14A] subcutaan (2 mg/kg) 24 uur na een intraperitoneale dosis Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS), die vaak wordt gebruikt om neuro-inflammatie te induceren; hersen- en plasmaconcentraties van HsTX1[R14A] werden vervolgens gedurende 120 minuten gekwantificeerd. LPS-behandelingvertraagde de daling van de HsTX1[R14A]-plasmaconcentraties aanzienlijk, vermoedelijk als gevolg van een verminderde renale klaring, en leidde tot een substantiële opname van HsTX1[R14A] in de hersenen, vermoedelijk door verstoring van de inter-endotheliale tight junctions in de hersenen. Deze studie suggereert dat HsTX1[R14A] microglia kan bereiken in voldoende concentraties om Okay<sub>V</sub>1.Three te blokkeren bij neuro-inflammatoire aandoeningen, en daarom het potentieel heeft om neurodegeneratieve ziekten te verminderen.

UCP2 Blocking Peptide

MBS8308756-5mg 5mg
EUR 345

UCP2 Blocking Peptide

MBS8308756-5x5mg 5x5mg
EUR 1465

Human, mouse, rat connexin 43 and 37 hemi-channel blocking peptide (GAP27 domain with conserved sequence SRPTEK)

Cx2703-P-1 1 mg
EUR 315.6

Human, mouse, rat connexin 43 and 37 hemi-channel blocking peptide (GAP27 domain with conserved sequence SRPTEK)

Cx2703-P-5 5 mg
EUR 927.6

Influenza A virus (H5N1) matrix protein 2 hybrid sequence Control/blocking peptide

M2E11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2) Control/blocking peptide #1

UCP21-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2) Control/blocking peptide #2

UCP22-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Growth Blocking Peptide

046-92 100 μg
EUR 255.96

Growth Blocking Peptide - FAM Labeled

FG-046-92A 1 nmol
EUR 336.96

Growth Blocking Peptide - Biotin Labeled

B-046-92 20 μg
EUR 336.96

Growth Blocking Peptide - Rhodamine Labeled

FR-046-92 1 nmol
EUR 336.96

Growth Blocking Peptide - I-125 Labeled

T-046-92 10 μCi
EUR 1145.88

Human Uncoupling Protein 2 (UCP2) Control/blocking peptide #3

UCP23-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

30R-AU006 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic UCP3 Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of UCP3 antibody, catalog no. 20R-UR003

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 mg
  • 5 mg

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

DF6443-BP 1mg
EUR 234

UCP1 Blocking Peptide

DF7720-BP 1mg
EUR 234

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS537211-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS537211-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS9625816-1mg 1mg
EUR 380

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS9625816-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1650

UCP1 Blocking Peptide

MBS9627012-1mg 1mg
EUR 380

UCP1 Blocking Peptide

MBS9627012-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1650

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS8243922-1mg 1mg
EUR 190

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS8243922-5mg 5mg
EUR 345

UCP3 Blocking Peptide

MBS8243922-5x5mg 5x5mg
EUR 1465

UCP3 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

30R-AU003 100 ug
EUR 209
Description: A synthetic UCP3 Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of UCP3 antibody, catalog no. 70R-UR005

UCP5 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

30R-AU004 100 ug
EUR 190
Description: A synthetic UCP5 peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of UCP5 antibody, catalog no. 20R-UR002

UCP5 Blocking Peptide Rat

GWB-EB5FA3 0.1 mg Ask for price

UCP3 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537838-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1575

UCP5 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537488-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 345

UCP5 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537488-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1400

UCP3 Blocking Peptide (Rat)

MBS537838-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 385

Sequestosome 1 Blocking Peptide

33R-2383 100 ug
EUR 119
Description: A synthetic peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of SQSTM1 antibody, catalog no. 70R-5720

Sequestosome-1 Blocking Peptide

MBS5400655-025mg 0.25mg
EUR 280

Sequestosome-1 Blocking Peptide

MBS5400655-5x025mg 5x0.25mg
EUR 1110

Mouse Uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1) Control/blocking peptide # 1

UCP11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1) Control/blocking peptide # 2

UCP12-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

UCP3 C-terminal Blocking Peptide

30R-AU002 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic UCP3 C-terminal Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of UCP3 C-terminal antibody, catalog no. 70R-UR004

UCP3 C-terminal Blocking Peptide

MBS537083-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

UCP3 C-terminal Blocking Peptide

MBS537083-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

AAP35408-100UG - CHRFAM7A (CHRNA7 (cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 7, exons 5-10) and FAM7A (family with sequence similarity 7A, exons A-E) fusion) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of protein)

AAP35408-100UG 100ug
EUR 99

Mouse Lipin-1 Control/blocking peptide control/blocking peptide #1

LPN11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Lipin-2 Control/blocking peptide control/blocking peptide #1

LPN21-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Lipin-3 Control/blocking peptide control/blocking peptide #1

LPN31-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

AAP89108-100UG - Ucp1 Blocking peptide (Middle region)

AAP89108-100UG 100ug
EUR 99

GLUT4 Blocking peptide (Mouse)

30R-AG010 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic GLUT4 Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of GLUT4 antibody, catalog no. 70R-GR014

GLUT8 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

30R-AG011 100 ug
EUR 195
Description: A synthetic GLUT8 Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of GLUT8 antibody, catalog no. 70R-GR008

GLUT8 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

MBS537881-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

GLUT8 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

MBS537881-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

GLUT4 Blocking peptide (Mouse)

MBS537602-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 350

GLUT4 Blocking peptide (Mouse)

MBS537602-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1425

Anantin (linear sequence) Peptide

abx266971-1ml 1 ml
EUR 762.5

Anantin (linear sequence) Peptide

abx266971-200l 200 µl
EUR 325

mouse Splunc2 Blocking Peptide

BF0461-BP 1mg
EUR 234

Mouse Albumin Blocking Peptide

MBS5401207-025mg 0.25mg
EUR 280

Mouse Albumin Blocking Peptide

MBS5401207-5x025mg 5x0.25mg
EUR 1110

mouse Splunc2 Blocking Peptide

MBS9620113-1mg 1mg
EUR 380

mouse Splunc2 Blocking Peptide

MBS9620113-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1650

LL 37, reverse sequence Peptide

abx267003-1ml 1 ml
EUR 975

LL 37, reverse sequence Peptide

abx267003-200l 200 µl
EUR 400

CLDN6 Mouse mAb Blocking Peptide

BF8001-BP 1mg
EUR 234

HSP70 Mouse mAb Blocking Peptide

BF9012-BP 1mg
EUR 234

Mouse Alk Blocking Peptide (P1517)

MBS9229876-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Peptide YY (PYY) control/blocking peptide # 1

PYY11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

PPAR Delta Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

30R-AC025 50 ug
EUR 304
Description: PPAR synthetic control neutralising peptide

PPAR Delta Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

MBS537944-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 520

PPAR Delta Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

MBS537944-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 2200

Mouse Hck Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229316-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Lyn Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229411-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Egfr Blocking Peptide (P1116)

MBS9229557-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ptk2b Blocking Peptide (P769)

MBS9229562-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Fgr Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229644-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Syk Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9230180-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Lck Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9230212-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Csf1r Blocking Peptide (P909)

MBS9230215-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ptk2b Blocking Peptide (P851)

MBS9230218-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Insr Blocking Peptide (P1325)

MBS9230220-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Erythropoietin Mimetic Peptide Sequence 20

H-4344.0001 1.0mg
EUR 544.8
Description: Sum Formula: C72H99N17O17S2; CAS# [203397-62-0] net

Erythropoietin Mimetic Peptide Sequence 20

H-4344.0005 5.0mg
EUR 2067.6
Description: Sum Formula: C72H99N17O17S2; CAS# [203397-62-0] net

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 1 (Fpr-s1)

MBS7015003-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 1670

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 1 (Fpr-s1)

MBS7015003-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 2625

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 1 (Fpr-s1)

MBS7015003-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 11770

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 1 (Fpr-s1)

MBS1170764-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 1 (FPR-S1) ELISA Kit

abx524265-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Mouse Ddr1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229307-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

MOUSE Brd7 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229454-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Erbb2 Blocking Peptide (P1142)

MBS9229538-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Hes1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229556-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ddr2 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229567-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Lhx1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229649-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Srms Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229754-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Klf4 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229759-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Epc1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229782-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Yes1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229864-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Erbb2 Blocking Peptide (P1236)

MBS9229875-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Erbb3 Blocking Peptide (P1076)

MBS9230008-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Srms Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9230204-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 3 (FPR-RS3) ELISA Kit

abx524266-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 4 (FPR-RS4) ELISA Kit

abx524267-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 6 (FPR-RS6) ELISA Kit

abx524268-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 7 (FPR-RS7) ELISA Kit

abx524269-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Mouse Krt6a Blocking Peptide(Center)

MBS9228573-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Senp1 Blocking Peptide(Center)

MBS9228577-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Txnip Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9228835-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ppm1h Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9228884-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

MOUSE Bcar1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229062-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Fgfr3 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229377-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Epha4 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229393-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Kdm6b Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229485-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ntrk1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229524-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ephb1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229530-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ephb1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229568-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ephb3 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229620-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ephb1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229621-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Olig1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229636-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Olig1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229637-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Olig3 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229717-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Nr5a2 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229801-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Mesp1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229922-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Fgfr4 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9230069-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Cxxc1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9230070-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Lmtk3 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9230292-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 3 (Fpr-rs3)

MBS7014999-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 1660

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 3 (Fpr-rs3)

MBS7014999-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 2615

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 3 (Fpr-rs3)

MBS7014999-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 11730

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 4 (Fpr-rs4)

MBS7015000-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 1635

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 4 (Fpr-rs4)

MBS7015000-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 2595

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 4 (Fpr-rs4)

MBS7015000-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 11625

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 6 (Fpr-rs6)

MBS7015001-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 1655

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 6 (Fpr-rs6)

MBS7015001-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 2610

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 6 (Fpr-rs6)

MBS7015001-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 11710

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 7 (Fpr-rs7)

MBS7015002-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 1655

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 7 (Fpr-rs7)

MBS7015002-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 2610

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 7 (Fpr-rs7)

MBS7015002-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 11705

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 3 (Fpr-rs3)

MBS1129488-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Recombinant Mouse Formyl peptide receptor-related sequence 4 (Fpr-rs4)

MBS1123011-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Substance P reversed sequence Peptide

abx266314-100l 100 µl
EUR 312.5

Substance P reversed sequence Peptide

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 5 mg
  • 10 mg
  • 25 mg

Substance P reversed sequence Peptide

abx266314-1ml 1 ml
EUR 812.5

Substance P reversed sequence Peptide

abx266314-200l 200 µl
EUR 462.5

Rat Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) Control/blocking peptide #3

UCP33-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Uncoupling Protein 4 (UCP4) Control/blocking peptide #2

UCP42-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rat Uncoupling Protein 5 (UCP5) Control/blocking peptide #1

UCP51-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse AQP12 control/blocking peptide

AQP125-P 100 ug
EUR 182.4

Mouse Ublcp1 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9228892-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Tfap2a Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229195-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Dnmt3l Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9229753-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Jarid2 Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9230024-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Dnmt3b Blocking Peptide (Center)

MBS9230115-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Agouti Control/blocking peptide

AGO11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse CYP1B1 control/blocking peptide

CYP1B12-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Klotho Control/blocking peptide

KL11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Moesin control/blocking peptide

MSN11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse T Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229395-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Angiopoietin 1 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

30R-AA012 100 ug
EUR 209
Description: A synthetic Angiopoietin 1 Blocking peptide for use as a blocking control in assays to test for specificity of Angiopoietin 1 antibody, catalog no. 70R-AR004

Fibronectin Mouse mAb Blocking Peptide

BF9010-BP 1mg
EUR 234

Angiopoietin 1 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

MBS537416-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 385

Angiopoietin 1 Blocking Peptide (Mouse)

MBS537416-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1575

Mouse Dnmt3L Antibody Blocking Peptide

MBS9217733-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Human Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) Control/blocking peptide #1

UCP31-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) Control/blocking peptide #2

UCP32-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) Control/blocking peptide #4

UCP34-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 4 (UCP4) Control/blocking peptide #1

UCP41-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Uncoupling Protein 5 (UCP5) Control/blocking peptide #2

UCP52-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse Itk Blocking Peptide (N-term)

MBS9229378-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Csk Blocking Peptide (N-term)

MBS9229421-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Frk Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229517-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Frk Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229755-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Frk Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229756-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Csk Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9230074-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Tek Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9230274-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Fap Blocking Peptide (N-term)

MBS9231432-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Dab2 Blocking Peptide(C-term)

MBS9228578-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Lrmp Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9228633-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Irf3 Blocking Peptide (N-term)

MBS9228798-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Mavs Blocking Peptide (N-term)

MBS9228799-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Plau Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9228945-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ctr9 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229470-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Cbx7 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229471-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ror2 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229477-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Sbk1 Blocking Peptide (N-term)

MBS9229505-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Dbx1 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229551-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Dbx1 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229594-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Cdk8 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229603-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Isl1 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229626-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Hes1 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229646-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Ctr9 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229666-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

MOUSE Dpys Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229703-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Pax6 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229715-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Mouse Lhx1 Blocking Peptide (C-term)

MBS9229720-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

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